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short story collection

Experimenting with voice, form, and genre, WITH TEETH  crafts a chorus of women voices who are in the process of reclaiming and telling their own stories as they slip through the cracks of our spacial and temporal reality.

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"You're going to find your new favorite story in here. I know I just did."

Stephen Graham Jones

editorial projects

Diné Writers on Craft 

Dear Diné writers, what do you wish you had learned about how to approach writing?


Hairstreak Butterfly Review is calling for essays, creative works, insights, lessons, talks, comics, image essays, (and more!) about writing and craft in the many ways we, as Diné, define, experience, and share it.

Flash Fiction by Native American Writers Anthology

Submissions are open for flash fiction from Native American writers for an anthology (under contract with Univ. of New Mexico Press). 

(So Say We All Press, 2016)

Ed. By Natanya Ann Pulley & Julia Dixon Evans

Black Candies: Gross & Unlikeable 
is about what happens
when women take over
horror, invert its tropes,
turn them on their head, 

and make horror do things

that you didn’t know it could.

An important and razor-sharp anthology that will leave you breathless and bleeding.”

Brian Evenson


A journal of literary horror fiction and art: 28 stories by all women contributors. Gross and unlikeable is reality. When women tackle the stories that are handed down to them or muck about in the narratives bodies share or live in the liminal as they do in this collection, they aren’t evoking a theme, but destroying the lie of women tamed, of women just so.

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